Monday, December 13, 2010

Chinook Motel - Port Angeles, Washington

The Olympic's Largest and Finest
1413 E. 1st St., on US 101, Port Angeles, Washington. 12 blocks from City Center amid Victoria Ferries. 55 beautifully appointed units. Some with TV. Tiles baths, glass enclosed showers, room phones. Heated swimming pool, Reservations advised. Phone GLencourt 2-2336. AAA Approved. A member of the Best Western Motels.

The card was mailed from Seattle, Washington to Mrs. J.G. Taylor of Indianapolis, Indiana on July 11, 1960

Dear Mother -
All three of us spent Thurs. nite at this motel. Tom had business calls so Lind & I came along. Today Tom finished early so we drove part way around the Olympic peninsula to the Ocean & are trying a camping out excursion. So far Linda is behaving well except for naps - too much going on & so much to see! Going home tomorrow. Love, Isabel

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