Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Johnson's Motel & Restaurant - Wytheville, Virginia

Lee Highway, U.S. 11, Just off I-81, U.S. 21 & 52.
20 Modern Units - Each With Bath - Open Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - Serving a Complete Menu. Ideally Located with Magnificent View. AAA Approved

The card was mailed from Wytheville, Virginia to Mrs. Howard Cross of Valley City, Ohio on April 6, 1969:

Hi Little Buddy,
Thought I wasn't going to make it - had the 24 hour plus Tues night & Wed, but here I am. Found this motel - Drove 12 hrs, but it didn't seem like it. My tummy isn't right yet but at least I'm OK to sit & travel. Love to all, Mary.

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